Tuesday 14 December 2010


I am starting to feel less like I am on holiday. The snowy weather and the unfamiliar positions my muscles have found themselves in as a result are telling. Teetering from muddy spot to muddy spot has awoken aches I had forgotten. Pangs and twinges remembered one by one as childhood, winter unemployment and off season holidays are triggered in response to body memories.

A new routine is not something that comes easily. Encouraged by others to adopt a regular regimen, I am struck by how external influences have been invited to form them for me over the years. Resentful of the sometime monotony and predictability of employment and joining in the universal resignation of the employed has been a game. The rules have been easy to follow. I shall now be making them up as I go. It will be interesting to see how the manual comes on. Mindful of the perils of lining up the pencils and straightening the ruler before beginning. I intend drafting and redrafting. I should be able to approach the process as I have along the way. By doodling in the margins and allowing my attention to wander.


Beverley Starr said...

Did you always write so beautifully? I don't remember. But it seems to me that you have little to worry about, blessed, as you are, with such a powerful talent. What a joy to find The At-Homium.

Tulpa said...

Beverley! Wonderful to see you here. Many thanks for the kind words. Please get in touch via Richard.hesketh@gmail.com
Much to say. Hopefully speak soon. :-)

barrie hesketh said...

Beverly - I absolutely agree re Rs writing - more please.

Barrie H

Tardyon said...

I like the change in subtitle to Life After Psychiatry :)

I hope your star hunting is going well.