Sunday, 25 October 2009

A walk by the Castle and a missed opportunity..

Dodging the rain I took a walk through the local fields, down to the river and by the weir. Returning via fields and over the river.
En route, I was, again unlucky enough to miss recording the first Dipper I have seen locally... This was always going to be a promising spot...

..and true to form, I missed it. Here's another....

The tramp through woods to the Castle fields was remarkable only for the forms and shapes revealed in cut timber. Beech trees tall as masts and in orange piles of offcut disks.

An arm or leg with it's classical reminder..

Some maps or landscapes accidentally reminiscent of ink on parchment. I couldn't think what the lines reminded me of..

...except the line and style of Aubrey Beardsley..

A return to a persistent theme was made possible by piles of beech branches topped by this slice..

...and a shame that this collection didn't include a Cranesbill at it's centre..

Oh, and having missed the dipper... wouldn't you know it? When all you want is a postcard view...

... and. off it goes. Good riddance.


Tardyon said...

Nice try Richard. What a U.Ph.O! Updated Photoshop Object :-)

Very nice pictures by the way....

Tulpa said...

I am sure I don't know what you mean.... I was just glad to see the back of it..

Tulpa said...
