Saturday, 30 August 2008

Sapphire, Topaz and Tea..

A short post today, to celebrate my very first sighting of a Kingfisher at my tea table by the Wansbeck.. There was NO way I could have photographed the event but the colours in almost languorous movement registered first.

Then the kinetics of the colours and it's vector from below us, on the bank across the river and westward, soon to perform a flypast over the flotilla of Mallard

and the one Goosander

that had recently swum past.

All in a flash.. and within the aspect of the river that forms the backdrop of my Blog's title.. glimpsed through the trees.

Quite the most beautiful bird I have ever seen.


Julie Logue said...

How fortunate was it that you were there at that time, how wonderful....

Anonymous said...

Yes - these birds are true exotics - no matter how many times I've seen them they take my breath away. Alan Janes